Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Common Cure for Dog Ear Infections

Generally speaking treating a dog ear infection is not too hard. However some dogs can get a pretty stubborn yeast infection and you will have to turn yourself into a compulsive obsessive person with regard to treating their ear. My dog doesn’t even like the sight of me sitting on the patio paper towel and solution bottle in hand. When his infection is really bad and touching in or around his ear causes him pain and distress. The solution you use should be diluted and I have found that warming up the solution a touch in the microwave seems to soothe his pain. I will apply a diluted combination of rubbing alcohol and distilled vinegar 4 times a day and I apply it liberally. The vinegar has natural antibiotic properties and the alcohol help clean the ear canal and outer ear. Rubbing it in, if he will let you breaks up the dried fluids that have formed in his ear and restores the natural function of the ear. Sometimes I will pin his ear flap up to let air dry out the ear better. 3 or 4 days of this kind of treatment usually clears it up. Keep a close watch on it as a trip to the vet for a prescription antibiotic may become necessary to cure the infection. The guy you see in this picture is ear infection free at the moment. Yippee

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